We would like to say a huge thank you to all those who joined us for our EA networking event on Thursday 2 May at Madison Rooftop Bar. We hope you enjoyed our LoopUp macarons as much as we did!
It was great to see so many of our longstanding clients and more recent LoopUp adopters on the evening. We also appreciated the opportunity to meet some prospective users and to let them know how LoopUp helps EAs to look after their teams’ remote meetings.
As the night progressed, the rain cleared to reveal a spectacular view of St Paul’s and the city skyline. We were thrilled that the evening lasted much longer than expected, and after a few too many LoopUperol Spritzes there were some sore heads in the office the next morning!
Harry took some wonderful pictures of the evening. We have included a few of our favourites below, but take a look at our gallery on Facebook for more photos – and feel free to download or share them.
Finally, we’d love to hear from you if you’d like to find out more about what LoopUp has to offer – we’re more than just delicious cocktails and canapés!