Co-CEO, Steve Flavell spoke with Telecom Reseller in a recent podcast covering topics from the story behind LoopUp to how we look to solve the common pains of conference calling. He tackles everything from the mainstream use case that LoopUp looks to answer to product accessibility and our own datacenter infrastructure.
Most importantly, Flavell stressed, it’s about keeping things simple for the end users, while delivering state-of-the-art service.
“We’re all about making [remote meetings] less terrible than the world has had to put up with for 20 years or so,” Flavell said, when asked about why LoopUp exists. Questions such as “who’s just joined,” or “who’s that speaking?” and trouble getting screen sharing up and running can waste unnecessary time that should be devoted toward important business getting done.
“LoopUp works on whatever phone you’re on, anywhere in the world, landline, fixed phone, mobile.” said Flavell. “[It’s] over-the-top service that works with whatever legacy infrastructure you have, delivered from the cloud.”
Very specifically, we’re going after the mainstream use case, the majority of users.
“We’re trying to stop them dialing in with numbers and codes and actually persuade them to change these habits that they don’t seem to be able to get out of in spite of all of the technology that’s pushed toward them.”
How does LoopUp do this?
Listen to the full podcast to get the rest of the story.
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