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London Technology Week 2015 – roundup of key events

London Technology Week, a week-long celebration of London’s position as a centre of technology and innovation, takes place next week, 15-21st June 2015. There are hundreds of events in all, from free to paid, invite-only to open house. The official website is the best source for a definitive events list, but, with hundreds of events on the table, you need to choose the events that are most interesting to you. Here are 3 roundups of key events that may help you cut through the noise to plan your trip.

The Memo has published a definitive guide to London Technology Week’s must-see events, which lists some of the higher-profile events, including Cognicity Challenge Open House, 16th June, a free event showcasing technologies and services that will shape the future of Canary Wharf.

Tech City UK – a government-funded non-profit set up to support East London’s burgeoning tech scene – is heavily involved in London Technology Week. Here’s a roundup of the events Tech City UK is supporting, including Interop London Conference, 16-18th June: “the flagship event of London Technology Week, Interop London allows IT and tech pros to experience global trends and vendor solutions”.

Phrasee, the email subject line specialists, whittled these events down to their 6 most interesting events, including the week-long series of morning events exploring the effects the digital world is having on our real life behaviour. Phrasee’s roundup is ideal for those with an interest in both big ideas and digital curiosities.

Finally, for real-time updates, you can follow the official event’s Twitter account, @LDNTechWeek, or use the hashtag #LDNTechWeek. We hope you enjoy London Technology Week!

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