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Conferencing costs: top tips for selecting a conferencing provider

Over the last few weeks, we’ve looked at several “fees” that might factor into hefty conferencing bills, many of which can be avoided. From excess mobile dial-in rates to mysterious legacy charges, you could be paying far more than necessary across your organization.

This week, we wrap up our series on the hidden costs of conferencing with some quick tips to keep in mind — both when reviewing your monthly bill as well as shopping around for a new provider.

International and mobile charges

Rates can soar when it comes to international joiners, especially those on mobile devices. Look for providers that offer dial-out alternatives to avoid international surcharges. Additionally, provide users that join via mobile local access numbers to replace toll-free in certain regions.

Dial-out vs. dial-in

In general, you should be paying less for your dial-out rates than dial-in. If not, start comparing against other conference call providers.

Web licenses 

Web conferencing licenses often go unused by the everyday caller, particularly when the tool has too many specialty features or feels complex. Look for tools that require as little training as possible. This will maximize the number of people utilizing your tool of choice, as well as save you time in setup and launch.

Legacy fees and other charges

Review your bill for legacy rates, miscellaneous charges or overages that can’t be easily explained – they could be based on outdated practices.

Free usually isn’t

Don’t be drawn in by an offering that promises to be completely free. You will pay in other ways, and usually at a higher cost.

Here’s a quick tip sheet to help you keep these items in mind next time you review your conferencing bill.

LoopUp Hidden costs of conferencing top tips

Read the full series at the links below:

Or, for a more in-depth look at these fees and how to avoid them, read our white paper, “Are You Throwing Away Money on Conferencing?

Also, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for more content around tips and best practices when it comes to choosing a conference call provider.

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