At LoopUp, we want your remote meeting experience to be as seamless as possible from the start.
We know that one of the most crucial elements to starting your meeting off on the right foot is actually, starting your meeting on the right foot. Too much time can get wasted on late joiners, distractions and spending time figuring out just who is on your call.
That’s why we’ve made joining your remote meetings as simple as clicking a link. And the best part? LoopUp calls you! Regardless where you are, on the road or at your desk, just click the link in your meeting invite and LoopUp will call you on the number of your choice.
You no longer have to scramble for dial-in numbers, or work at memorizing a zillion access codes to each meeting room. And there are no downloads required to join a meeting, so you and your guests won’t be left struggling to get on a call.
When you click the link to join your meeting, you’ll have full visibility so you can see who is on your call and who is speaking at all times. You can also share you screen and video with just one click.
For more detailed information on creating invites and joining your meeting, click here.
To get more updates on remote meeting best practices and tips, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.