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Moving to Microsoft Teams telephony – how to run a successful proof of concept

Our new guide explains what a proof of concept (POC) is and why you might need one – and sheds light on the other options available to help you make informed decisions about deploying Teams calling…

With any potential move to a new system or service – no matter how good – there are bound to be questions around whether it will really meet your business’ needs or whether specific benefits will be delivered – and moving to Microsoft Teams telephony is no different. 

Microsoft Teams calling is truly taking off as the solution of choice for organisations worldwide, with 650 million Teams calls being made in October alone. However, some businesses may still need more assurance around its suitability and quality before they commit.

You may want to “try before you buy” by running a proof of concept for Teams calling, but is a POC your only option and is it the most appropriate one?

Our new guide “Moving to Microsoft Teams telephony – how to run a successful proof of concept” can help you work out how to get the validation you need in the most effective way, covering:

  • What is a proof of concept? How is it different from a demonstration or a pilot and where does it sit within the decision-making process?
  • Why organisations might choose to do a proof of concept and how it can help them evaluate the capabilities of Microsoft Teams calling (in terms of its features and functionality) and check that it delivers on sound quality and service connectivity
  • How a proof of concept works, including the role played by the managed service provider who runs the POC, what organisations should expect in terms of logistics and the level of participation required
  • Why a proof of concept can help with Teams telephony deployment, by being able to identify any unforeseen issues that could impact its smooth running, as well as any perceived obstacles the POC is specifically testing for
  • Top tips when considering a Teams calling POC – how to make sure the POC process delivers on what it sets out to achieve

The LoopUp guide is free to download – simply click here for your copy.

For more information or to discuss implementing Microsoft Teams telephony at your organisation, contact a member of our sales team.

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